Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

How do I delete the notifications/sharepoint from my Outlook?

1) Go to your Outlook folders.

2) Identify the SharePoint folder.

3) Right-click the folder.

4) Choose 'Close'.

How do I download all reports at one time?

1) Navigate to your project site.

2) Select the 'View All' tab.

3) Select 'All' next to 'Download Reports'.

How do I change my preferences for notifications?

1) In the upper right-hand corner, click your email address.

2) From the drop-down menu, select 'Manage My Preferences'.

3) Choose 'Immediate', 'Daily', 'Weekly', or 'Disable Alerts'

4) Click 'Save'.

How do I reset my password?

1) From the login page, select 'forgot my password', or click here.

2) Enter your email address and click 'Reset Password'.

3) A new password will be emailed to you.

What is a Final Affidavit?

A Final Affidavit is a project close-out report generated at the end of a construction project, after all work
has been completed, that states a summary of inspections performed by CEL and the final status of work inspected
and tested. Most local governments (city, county, etc…) require a Final Affidavit as part of their close-out process.

How do I request a Final Affidavit?

You can submit a request for Final Affidavit by contacting your Project Manager, or by calling (925)314-7100
(M-F, 8:30am – 4:30pm PST) and requesting the Reports Department. You can also request a Final Affidavit directly
through the CEL website (eReports) portal by clicking on the “Request Affidavit” button.

How long should I expect between submitting a request for a Final Affidavit and actually receiving it?

The time required to generate a Final Affidavit can vary depending upon the amount of inspection performed
and the volume of the Final Affidavits being processed by the Reports Department. Generally speaking five (5)
business days should be allowed. It is strongly recommended you request a Final Affidavit as soon as inspection
on a project is complete.

Who do I contact if I have a question or concern regarding an inspection report?

In most situations, you will want to first contact your Project Manager. You can also call (925)314-7100
(M-F, 8:30am - 4:30pm PST) and request the Reports Department; please not that most Reports Department
Personnel are not professional Engineers and can only forward questions and contact information to Engineers
who are qualified to give statements regarding the content of a report.

How can I submit feedback regarding my experience as a CEL customer?

It's as easy as logging into CEL's eReport website and entering in your comments and suggestions in the
"Send Feedback" text box below your Project Manager's contact information and clicking "Send".